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Product Overview and Features

Audio Radar is an innovative technology designed to enhance the gaming experience and provide optimal lighting for video conferencing or streaming. It is a device that serves two primary functions:

  1. For gamers, it acts as an immersive sound-to-light conversion system. Audio Radar processes in-game audio and converts it into corresponding visual cues on LED lightbars. These visual cues allow players to "see" the direction and location of sounds within the game environment, providing a more immersive gaming experience.
  2. For video conferencing or streaming, Audio Radar serves as a professional-grade selfie lighting studio. With the ability to generate up to 16.2 million colors, it offers customizable lighting options, helping users to present themselves in the best light possible during their online interactions.

With its advanced audio processing algorithms and customizable LED light display, Audio Radar is a unique addition to your gaming setup or work-from-home station, offering benefits for both entertainment and professional use.

1. Enhanced Gaming Experience: Audio Radar's unique sound-to-light conversion system provides an immersive gaming experience. It allows players to "see" in-game audio cues, giving them an additional layer of interaction with the game environment.

2. Equalizes Gaming for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Audio Radar levels the playing field for deaf and hard-of-hearing gamers by visualizing in-game sounds. This technology allows them to compete effectively, offering a more inclusive gaming experience.

3. Improves Situational Awareness: Audio Radar helps gamers improve their situational awareness, especially in games that require keen audio perception. This feature is particularly beneficial in first-person shooter games where pinpointing the direction and distance of in-game sounds can provide a competitive advantage.

4. Safe Volume Levels: With Audio Radar, gamers no longer need to play at high volumes to detect important audio cues. By visualizing these cues, Audio Radar promotes safer volume levels, reducing the risk of hearing damage over time.

5. Professional Lighting for Streaming or Video Conferencing: Outside of gaming, Audio Radar doubles as a professional-grade selfie lighting studio. It allows users to customize their lighting conditions for video conferencing or streaming, presenting them in the best light possible for their online interactions.

Audio Radar's sound-to-light conversion system for gaming is designed to provide an immersive experience by visually translating the direction and amplitude (volume) of in-game audio events. Here's how it works:

  1. Audio Processing: Audio Radar receives in-game audio and processes it in real-time. The system's advanced algorithms are designed to detect the direction and amplitude of audio events, such as gunfire, explosions, vehicle noises, and more.
  2. Sound-to-Light Conversion: Once the direction and amplitude of an audio event are determined, Audio Radar translates this information into visual indicators. These indicators are displayed on strategically placed LED lightbars around your gaming monitor or TV screen, illuminating in correspondence with the direction and intensity of the sounds within the game.
  3. Visual Indication: The lights on the LED lightbars correspond to the direction of the sound in the game. If a sound originates from the right within the game, the right LED lightbar will light up. If the sound comes from behind and to the left, the bottom left lightbar will illuminate, and so on. The brightness of the light corresponds to the amplitude of the sound - louder sounds will result in brighter lights.

Audio Radar is particularly effective in games that incorporate accurate 7.1 surround sound, as it provides the most precise visual representation of the gaming soundscape. In games with 5.1 or 2.1 surround sound, Audio Radar remains effective, though the sound-to-light conversion might be slightly less precise.

Keep in mind that the performance of Audio Radar can also be influenced by the game's environmental size, the number of active players, and the types of background sounds present. For optimal results, it's recommended to use Audio Radar in medium to larger maps, and with fewer players in smaller maps. Also, reducing unnecessary background sounds or isolating chat sounds in your game settings can enhance the effectiveness of Audio Radar.

Please note that while Audio Radar currently does not detect types of sounds, this feature is in our development pipeline and will be part of future enhancements.

While Audio Radar is a versatile and useful tool for gamers across platforms, it's important to be aware of its specific capabilities and limitations when used with PlayStation consoles. Here are the key details:


  • High Resolution Pass-Through: Audio Radar is capable of passing through any resolution sent by a PlayStation, including up to 4K at 120hz. This ensures that gamers will not sacrifice visual quality while using Audio Radar.


  • Single Audio Output Limitation: PlayStation consoles have a limitation that prevents game audio from being sent to both a gaming headset and Audio Radar simultaneously. Users need to choose one output for game audio.


  • Audio Output Configuration: To use Audio Radar with PlayStation, gamers must configure the console settings to output the game audio to Audio Radar. This 7-channel audio output is what the Audio Radar system uses to activate the LED light bars.
  • Alternate Sound Sources: When using Audio Radar, gamers will depend on the sound output from their TV, AV system, sound bar, or built-in speakers on a computer monitor. The sound is carried via the HDMI audio/video signal passed from the PlayStation, through Audio Radar, and finally to the display and audio device.
  • Game Chat Compatibility: Even when game audio is output through Audio Radar, gamers can still use their PlayStation-compatible headset for game chat, but won't be able to hear the game audio through the headset.
  • Auxiliary Audio Connection: Audio Radar includes a 3.5mm audio connection on the front of the device that can be connected to a headset or external speakers. This connection is solely for game audio and does not support game chat.

Audio Radar transforms into a professional-grade selfie lighting studio when set to 'Stream Mode'. It's designed to create ideal lighting conditions for video conferences or streaming, ensuring that users look their best during online interactions. Here's how it works:

  1. Versatile Lighting Options: Audio Radar's LED lightbars can generate 16.2 million colors, providing a wide range of lighting options. This versatility allows users to customize their lighting based on personal preferences, the natural light in their environment, or the mood they want to set for their video stream.
  2. Optimized Lighting Placement: By strategically placing the LED lightbars around the monitor or screen, users can avoid harsh shadows and achieve balanced, flattering lighting. This is often preferable to relying on overhead room lights or natural light, which can cause glare or uneven lighting.
  3. User-Friendly Adjustments: With easy-to-use controls, users can adjust the color and brightness of the LED lightbars to suit their needs. This could mean choosing a warm, inviting light for a relaxed video chat, or a bright, cool light for professional video conferences.
  4. Real-Time Adjustments: As lighting conditions can change throughout the day, users can make real-time adjustments to ensure they always have the best lighting. Whether the sun is setting or a room light is turned on, users can quickly adjust their Audio Radar lighting to maintain a professional appearance.

By combining advanced technology with user-friendly controls, Audio Radar's professional-grade selfie lighting studio function provides users with a versatile tool to improve their video conferencing or streaming experience.

Audio Radar works exceptionally well with games that incorporate accurate 7.1 surround sound. These games provide the most precise audio cues, allowing Audio Radar to create a more accurate and immersive sound-to-light conversion. Examples of these types of games include popular titles like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) and Call of Duty: Warzone.

In addition to 7.1 surround sound, the effectiveness of Audio Radar also depends on the size of the game's map and the number of active players. Medium to larger maps with fewer players often work better, as this allows the sound-to-light conversion to be more discernible. Furthermore, games with distinct and critical sound cues, like footsteps, gunshots, and vehicle sounds, enhance the usefulness of Audio Radar.

While it performs best with 7.1 surround sound, Audio Radar can also work effectively with games that only support 5.1 or 2.1 surround sound. Although the sound-to-light conversion may be slightly less precise in these cases, players can still gain an enhanced gaming experience. Examples of such games include titles like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Please note that while Audio Radar can enhance many gaming experiences, it may be less effective in games with a lot of background sounds or constant in-game chatter. For the best experience, we recommend turning off chat or separating chat from your main HDMI signal, as well as reducing unnecessary environment sound effects in your game settings.

Several factors in the gaming environment can influence the performance of Audio Radar:

  1. Surround Sound Support: Games with 7.1 surround sound compatibility provide the most accurate sound-to-light conversion. While Audio Radar works effectively with 5.1 or 2.1 surround sound games, the accuracy of the directional cues may be slightly less precise.
  2. Map Size and Player Count: The size of the game map and the number of active players can also affect Audio Radar's performance. Medium to larger maps with fewer players in smaller areas generally offer the best experience, as more distinct directional audio cues can be picked up. In contrast, smaller maps with many players and overlapping sounds can cause the LED lights to trigger frequently, making it harder to discern specific directional cues.
  3. Background Noise: The presence of excessive background noise, such as in-game chatter or environmental sound effects, may interfere with the effective interpretation of important audio cues. Isolating chat from the main HDMI signal going to Audio Radar or turning down unnecessary sound effects in the game settings can enhance the effectiveness of Audio Radar.
  4. Audio Settings: The audio settings of the gaming system can also affect Audio Radar's performance. For example, if the audio output is set to stereo instead of surround sound, the accuracy of the sound-to-light conversion may be reduced.

Remember, for the best Audio Radar experience, it's advisable to consider these factors and adjust your gaming environment accordingly.

Optimizing your use of Audio Radar in gaming involves considering several factors:

  1. Game's Audio Surround Sound: Audio Radar works best with games that utilize accurate 7.1 surround sound. With such games, you'll be able to get a more precise sound-to-light conversion. Games that use 5.1 or 2.1 surround sound will still work, but they might be slightly less precise.
  2. Map Size and Player Count: For the best experience, use Audio Radar in medium to large maps. If you're playing in a smaller map, try to keep the number of players low. This is because when multiple sounds overlap, such as in a crowded team death match, the LED lightbars may not provide helpful information as they will be continuously active.
  3. In-game Audio Settings: Adjust the in-game audio settings to optimize Audio Radar's effectiveness. Try to isolate chat from the main HDMI signal going to Audio Radar and your TV or Monitor. You can do this on most consoles, such as the Xbox. This ensures only gameplay sounds are processed by Audio Radar. Also, consider reducing the volume of non-essential background sounds in your game settings.
  4. Lighting Sensitivity: Adjust the sensitivity of the LED lightbars to match your preference and the ambient light conditions in your gaming space. This can help make the visual cues more noticeable and less distracting.
  5. Equipment Setup: Make sure your gaming console or PC is correctly connected to the Audio Radar system. Follow the installation guide carefully to ensure optimal performance.
  6. Software Updates: Always keep your Audio Radar firmware up-to-date. Developers frequently release updates to improve performance and add new features.

By keeping these recommendations in mind, you can optimize your Audio Radar usage and elevate your gaming experience.

Compatibility and Usage

Yes, Audio Radar is designed to be compatible with all major gaming consoles and PCs. It connects to your gaming system or PC through HDMI and USB ports, making it a versatile addition to any gaming or streaming setup. However, it is important to remember that the effectiveness of Audio Radar can vary based on the game's audio processing capabilities, such as whether it supports 7.1, 5.1, or 2.1 surround sound.

Yes, the light bars can be attached surrounding a single monitor or multiple.

While technically possible to connect Audio Radar to mobile devices for audio processing, the practical application may be limited due to the size of mobile devices and lack of a suitable mounting location for the light bars. As such, Audio Radar is currently not recommended for use with mobile devices for gaming. However, for the streaming/video conferencing function, users can still benefit from Audio Radar's professional-grade lighting features if the device is in a stationary position, like on a phone stand or dock. Please stay tuned for future updates as we continue to innovate and expand our product compatibility.

Yes, Audio Radar can be used in conjunction with headphones or external speakers. When you're using headphones or external speakers, the audio will continue to be processed by the Audio Radar system to produce visual cues on the LED light bars. The way you listen to the game doesn't affect Audio Radar's ability to visualize the sound.

Remember, Audio Radar is not a replacement for your existing audio setup but an enhancement to it. Whether you're using headphones, a soundbar, or a full surround sound speaker system, Audio Radar can complement your gaming experience by providing visual reinforcement of audio cues.

Absolutely. If you're using an AV receiver in your gaming setup, Audio Radar can fit seamlessly into your configuration. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Connect your gaming console or PC to the HDMI In port on the Audio Radar device using an HDMI cable.
  2. Connect the HDMI Out port from the Audio Radar device to your AV receiver using another HDMI cable.

This way, Audio Radar gets the full audio and video signal first, processes the audio for the light display, and then passes the original unaltered signal to your AV receiver and then onto your display. This setup allows you to fully enjoy the enhanced audio experience through your AV receiver while taking advantage of Audio Radar's immersive light display. No splitter is required with this setup.

Please consult the Audio Radar setup guide for more detailed instructions on how to properly connect your system.

Yes, you can use Audio Radar with a soundbar or other external audio systems. Audio Radar takes the audio input directly from your gaming console or PC, not from the output device such as speakers or soundbar. It analyses this audio input to create visual cues on the LED lightbars. You can still use a soundbar for your audio output without it affecting the performance of Audio Radar. It's important to note, however, that for the most accurate results, the audio settings in your game and on your console or PC should be set to the highest available surround sound option, ideally 7.1 surround sound.

Yes, Audio Radar can indeed be used in professional gaming or esports. The device is designed to enhance the gaming experience by visualizing in-game audio cues, which can improve players' situational awareness and reaction times. This can be particularly beneficial in professional gaming scenarios where every millisecond counts.

In addition to this, professional gamers often play in lengthy gaming sessions. Audio Radar's ability to allow players to lower volume levels while still being aware of important in-game audio cues can help protect their hearing health in the long run.

It's worth noting that players should always ensure that the use of such assistive devices complies with the rules of the specific tournament or esports organization they are participating in. The rules can vary, and while Audio Radar is not a "cheat," it is always good practice to check for any specific restrictions on gaming peripherals.

Setup and Installation

Inside the Audio Radar package, you'll find everything you need to start enhancing your gaming or streaming experience:

  1. Audio Radar Command Center: This is the main unit that processes the audio from your games or media and outputs it to the LED light bars.
  2. Six individual LED Light bars: These bars are to be placed around your screen. They light up in response to the direction of in-game sounds. There are 36 RGBW LEDs per light bar, totaling 216 LEDs in all!
  3. Power Adapter: This provides power to your Audio Radar device.
  4. Quick Start Guide: This guide offers easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up and use your Audio Radar device.

Please refer to the Quick Start Guide for more detailed instructions on setting up your Audio Radar device. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.

Yes, Audio Radar is designed to be user-friendly and easy to install and set up. The device comes with detailed instructions to guide you through the process, and it doesn't require any special software or drivers to be installed.

Here is a simplified overview of the setup process:

  1. Attach the LED lightbars to your monitor or TV using the provided adhesive or mounts. They are typically placed on the top, bottom, left, and right edges of the screen.
  2. Connect Audio Radar to your gaming console or PC. The device has a pass-through system, which means you will connect the HDMI cable from your gaming system to Audio Radar, and another HDMI cable from Audio Radar to your TV or monitor.
  3. Once connected, power on the device. Audio Radar will begin analyzing the audio output from your gaming system and converting it into corresponding visual cues on the LED lightbars.
  4. For streaming or video conferencing, select the 'Stream Mode' and adjust the color and brightness of the LED lights to your liking using the device controls.
  5. For the best performance, we recommend adjusting the audio settings in your game or system to enable surround sound (7.1 surround sound if available).

Remember, if you encounter any issues or have questions during the setup, our dedicated customer support team is here to help you.

No, Audio Radar does not require any special software or drivers to be installed. It is designed to be plug-and-play, meaning you can connect it directly to your gaming console, PC, or streaming device using the provided cables and it will start working immediately. This ease of use makes Audio Radar accessible to users of all levels of tech proficiency. You won't need to worry about software updates or compatibility issues with your gaming system or streaming platform. It's as simple as plug in, set up, and go.

The cables that come included with the Audio Radar are 22" long. This size enables the light bars to be conveniently installed on TVs as large as 65". The design ensures that the cables can comfortably reach and connect all light bars around your screen, providing you with an immersive gaming or viewing experience.

If you have a larger TV, for example, an 85", there are two solutions to accommodate the increased size:

  1. You can purchase a dedicated center channel light bar that can be installed between the front left and right light bars on the top of the TV. This arrangement will bridge the distance between the bars without the need for longer cables.
  2. If you prefer, you can purchase longer cables. These are 3.5mm, 3 conductor audio cables and are readily available for purchase on our website, These longer cables will provide the additional reach needed to connect the light bars on larger screens.

Remember, the goal of Audio Radar is to offer an enhanced, immersive experience no matter the size of your screen, and we're here to help you achieve that.

Performance and Features

No, Audio Radar is designed to operate in real-time with no noticeable latency. It uses advanced audio processing algorithms that can analyze and convert in-game sounds into visual indicators on the LED lightbars virtually instantly. This ensures that your gaming experience remains immersive and uninterrupted. However, like any device processing audio and visual data, extremely minimal latency may occur, but it's not perceivable or impactful to the gaming experience.

No, Audio Radar does not negatively affect audio quality. It analyzes the audio signals from your gaming console or PC without modifying or degrading the original audio stream. This ensures that the audio you hear from your speakers or headphones remains the same high-quality sound you'd expect, while you also receive additional visual cues from the Audio Radar LED lightbars. Therefore, you can enjoy your games with immersive sound and the added benefits of visualized audio cues.

No, Audio Radar is not compatible with VR games. Audio Radar requires LED light bars to be mounted on a monitor or TV screen to provide visual cues based on the game's audio. Since VR games use VR goggles for an immersive experience, there is no applicable place to mount the LED light bars. Thus, Audio Radar cannot currently be used with VR gaming systems.

Yes, Audio Radar is designed to work effectively even in noisy environments. It relies on the audio signals coming from the game console or PC, rather than ambient noise in the room. Therefore, external noise should not interfere with Audio Radar's functionality

Yes, Audio Radar's LED lights are completely customizable and user-friendly. If you find the light output to be too intense or distracting during your gaming or streaming sessions, you can adjust the brightness or even turn off the LED lights as needed. This allows you to tailor the Audio Radar experience to your comfort and preferences, ensuring an immersive and enjoyable gaming or streaming session.

Yes, you can change the color of the lights on Audio Radar. This feature is particularly useful when using Audio Radar in its 'Stream Mode' for video conferencing or streaming. With the ability to generate up to 16.2 million colors, Audio Radar lets you adjust and customize the lighting color to suit your preferences or match your environment, allowing you to present yourself in the best possible light during your online interactions. Please refer to the user manual or the device settings for instructions on how to change the color of the lights.

Updates and Future Plans

Yes, we are committed to continually enhancing the performance of Audio Radar. To ensure that users have the best possible experience, we plan to release regular firmware updates. These updates may include improvements in audio processing algorithms, compatibility with newer gaming consoles or PCs, enhancements to the LED light display functionality, and additional customizable options.

We recommend that users regularly check for updates to ensure they have the most recent version of the firmware. We will also provide clear instructions on how to install these updates when they become available.

We're planning some exciting updates for the near future that will make updating your Audio Radar even easier and more convenient. Soon, you'll be able to install firmware updates for your Audio Radar device directly through our upcoming mobile app.

Here's a preview of how the process will work:

  1. You'll connect your Audio Radar device to your mobile device via Bluetooth.
  2. Once connected, the Audio Radar mobile app will communicate with your Audio Radar hardware.
  3. Within the app, you'll be able to check for available firmware updates.
  4. If an update is available, you can download and install it directly through the app.
  5. Follow any in-app prompts to complete the installation.

After the update, you may need to restart your Audio Radar device for the changes to take effect.

Please note: Always ensure that your Audio Radar device has a stable power supply throughout the update process to prevent any disruptions. Also, make sure your mobile device has a stable internet connection to download the update.

This feature, along with the mobile app, isn't available just yet, but stay tuned for updates and announcements on our website and social media channels. In the meantime, if you need to update your Audio Radar device, you can do so by connecting it to your PC and using the update software available on our official website. If you encounter any issues, our customer support team is always ready to assist you.

Audio Radar comes with six light bars, each representing different sound directions: front left, front right, left side, right side, left rear, and right rear. The front left and right light bars also represent the center audio channel, fitting well with monitors between 24" and 27".

For larger monitors, or for those who want a dedicated center channel, we offer a separate center channel light bar. This bar can be easily installed on monitors 37" and larger, or stacked on top of the left front and right front light bars for monitors between 24" to 37". Please note, the center channel light bar is sold separately.

While we are confident that the current design fits a wide range of display sizes and configurations, we continue to listen to our customers' feedback and explore opportunities for future enhancements, potentially including different sizes or configurations of the light bars. Stay tuned to our updates by subscribing to our newsletter or following us on our social media channels!

A mobile app isn't available just yet but stay tuned for updates and announcements on our website and social media channels. In the meantime, if you need to update your Audio Radar device, you can do so by connecting it to your PC and using the update software available on our official website. If you encounter any issues, our customer support team is always ready to assist you.

Purchase and Support

We are thrilled to announce that Audio Radar is available for pre-order, with an expected launch in June 2024. Our team is hard at work preparing for an extraordinary release, and we invite you to secure your spot by placing a pre-order on our website here.

Pre-orders will be fulfilled as soon as the product is officially launched!

Audio Radar can be exclusively purchased from our official website. We offer international and global shipping to cater to customers worldwide. We have partnered with DHL Express to ensure expedited and reliable delivery of our product. All our orders are dispatched directly from our headquarters located in West Michigan, USA. Our team has extensive experience in shipping globally and maintaining excellent customer care, whether you're based in the USA or anywhere else in the world!

Yes, there is a warranty for Audio Radar. It is provided by Airdrop Gaming LLC to you, as the original purchaser of the Audio Radar gaming accessory. The warranty covers any defects in material or workmanship under normal use during the Warranty Period of one (1) year starting from the date of your purchase ("Warranty Period").

During this Warranty Period, if your Audio Radar proves to be defective because of improper material or workmanship, under normal use and maintenance, Airdrop Gaming LLC will repair or replace the product or parts of the product at no charge.

If a product is returned and is confirmed to be covered by this Warranty, you will have the option to either receive a full refund or have a new replacement product shipped to you. Airdrop Gaming LLC will cover the cost of shipping the product for evaluation and also the cost of shipping the replacement product.

However, please note that the warranty does not cover any problems caused by conditions, malfunctions, or damage not resulting from defects in material or workmanship. This includes damage due to misuse, overuse, unauthorized alterations, neglect, abuse, accident, improper installation, or any use that violates the instructions furnished by us. The warranty also does not cover cosmetic damage like scratches, dents, cracks or other cosmetic damage. It also doesn't cover damage to the product resulting from contact with liquid, water, rain, extreme humidity or heavy perspiration.

For any warranty claims, please first contact us at [Customer Service Email or Phone Number] to determine the problem and the most appropriate solution for you.

Please be aware that no Airdrop Gaming LLC reseller, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. The warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state or country to country. Airdrop Gaming LLC’s responsibility for hardware defects is limited to repair, replacement or refund as determined by Airdrop Gaming LLC in its sole discretion.

Airdrop Gaming LLC reserves the right to change this Limited Warranty policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website. Your continued use of the Product after we post any modifications to the Limited Warranty on this page will constitute your acknowledgment of the modifications and your consent to abide and be bound by the modified Limited Warranty.

If your Audio Radar isn't working as expected, please follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. **Check your connections**: Make sure all cables are securely connected, including power cables and audio input cables.

2. **Inspect your equipment**: Ensure your gaming console, PC, or any other connected devices are powered on and working correctly.

3. **Confirm the settings**: Make sure that the audio settings on your gaming system are correctly configured. Audio Radar works best with 7.1 surround sound, so please ensure this setting is enabled, if available.

4. **Update your device**: If you haven't done so already, check for any firmware updates for your Audio Radar system. Updated firmware can resolve issues and improve the performance of your device.

5. **Restart your system**: Unplug the Audio Radar device, wait for a few minutes, and then plug it back in. Sometimes, restarting the system can clear up any minor technical glitches.

If none of the above troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, please reach out to our Customer Support team. You can contact them via our official website, and they will assist you in resolving the issue. Remember to provide them with as much detail as possible about the problem you're experiencing, including any error messages you've seen, to expedite the troubleshooting process.

Looking for real-time help? Join our Discord channel! Click here to connect with our community and support team for troubleshooting and more.


No, Audio Radar is not a cheat. It's an assistive technology designed to level the playing field and enhance the gaming experience for all players, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing. It converts in-game audio cues into visual cues, helping players to "see" sounds rather than only hear them. It doesn't provide any unfair advantage, but rather adds a different dimension to how players can experience and react to in-game audio. It can be compared to other gaming peripherals like specialized controllers or monitors that aim to improve the gaming experience.

No, Audio Radar does not require an internet connection to function. It operates by processing the audio signals from your gaming console or PC, and then converting these signals into visual cues via LED lightbars. This process happens locally and does not need an internet connection. However, an internet connection may be necessary for installing updates or accessing certain features of Audio Radar in the future.

Audio Radar provides benefits to a wide range of individuals, including:

1. **Deaf and Hard of Hearing Gamers:** Audio Radar transforms audio cues into visual indicators, providing these gamers with an equal and immersive gaming experience.

2. **First-Person Shooter (FPS) Gamers:** Audio Radar enhances situational awareness by visually indicating the direction and distance of in-game sounds, offering a competitive edge to players in FPS games like PUBG or Call of Duty Warzone.

3. **Gamers Using Stereo Headsets:** By visualizing audio information, Audio Radar can help improve the accuracy of sound localization for gamers using stereo headsets.

4. **Content Creators and Streamers:** Audio Radar serves as a customizable selfie lighting studio for content creators and streamers, offering the perfect lighting for their streaming or content creation needs.

5. **Video Conference Participants:** In the era of remote work, Audio Radar provides ideal lighting for video conference participants, presenting them in the best light during virtual meetings.

6. **Full Hearing Gamers:** Even gamers with full hearing capabilities can benefit from Audio Radar, as it offers an alternative way to experience audio cues and can enhance their overall gaming experience.

7. **Professional Gamers or Esports Participants:** Audio Radar can provide an additional layer of sensory information, potentially increasing performance and competitiveness.

In summary, whether you're a gamer, content creator, streamer, remote worker, or anyone who could benefit from improved sound-to-light conversion or customizable lighting, Audio Radar can enhance your digital experience.

Absolutely! Apart from gaming, Audio Radar is designed to enhance your online interactions during video conferencing, live streaming, or content creation. In its 'Stream Mode', Audio Radar serves as a highly customizable selfie lighting studio.

With the capacity to generate up to 16.2 million colors, you can create the perfect lighting for your video calls or streams, ensuring that you are always presented in the best light possible. This makes Audio Radar a versatile tool that goes beyond gaming and extends to any situation where optimal lighting can enhance your online presence.

One of the significant advantages of Audio Radar is its potential to safeguard users' hearing health. Many gamers turn up the volume to maximum levels to ensure they don't miss important audio cues, which, over time, can potentially lead to hearing damage. This is where Audio Radar steps in.

By converting audio cues into visual signals, Audio Radar eliminates the need to play games at high volume levels. Gamers can "see" the sound instead of relying solely on hearing it, allowing them to keep the volume at a safer, more comfortable level without compromising their gaming performance.

Whether you are a casual gamer, a competitive player, or someone who spends long hours on video conferences, using Audio Radar can help reduce your risk of hearing damage caused by prolonged exposure to high volumes. It's a step towards protecting your hearing health while ensuring an immersive and efficient audio-visual experience.

At this time, Audio Radar communicates the same color for multiple sounds within the game. For examples, footsteps and gunshots will be the same color using Audio Radar. Future iterations of firmware will unlock more features, such as assigning unique colors for unique sounds.

Shipping and Returns

Audio Radar USA Shipping Policy

Order Processing:

  • We take 1-2 business days to process an order before it is shipped.

Shipping Method:

  • We primarily use FedEx 2-day express for shipping anywhere in the USA, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Delivery Timeframe:

  • While we use 2-day express shipping, delivery times may vary. Please note that the "2-day" timeframe refers to transit time only, after the order has been processed and shipped.
  • Delivery may take longer due to factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions or other unforeseen delays. We are not responsible for such delays.

Tracking Your Order:

  • All shipments are tracked. You will be provided with a tracking number once your order is shipped.
  • You can use this tracking number to check the status of your shipment on the FedEx website.

Shipping Costs:

  • Shipping costs vary by location or order value.

Address Accuracy:

  • Please ensure your shipping address is accurate when placing your order. We are not responsible for shipments sent to incorrect addresses provided by the customer.

Damaged or Lost Shipments:

  • In the event of a damaged or lost shipment, please contact us immediately. We will work with FedEx to address the issue and provide a solution.

Customer Service:

  • If you have any questions or concerns about your shipment, please contact our customer service team at

This shipping policy applies to all orders shipped within the United States

Audio Radar Return Policy (USA Only)

Return Eligibility:

  • Returns are accepted within 30 days from the date of purchase.
  • Product must be in its original condition with no wear and tear.
  • All returns must include the original packaging, outer shipping box, and all original parts and pieces.

Restocking Fee:

  • A 10% restocking fee applies to all returns.
  • Additional fees may be charged depending on the condition of the product and packaging upon inspection.

Return Process:

  1. Request a Return: Contact our customer service team to initiate your return.
  2. Return Shipping Label: We will provide a pre-paid return shipping label via UPS or FedEx.
  3. Packaging Your Return: Securely package your product in the original packaging and outer shipping box.
  4. Drop Off: Take the return package to your local FedEx or UPS location.
  5. Refund Processing: Once we receive and inspect the returned item, we will process your refund, minus the restocking fee and any additional deductions.

Additional Information:

  • Returns that do not meet these conditions may be subject to partial refunds or denial.
  • Refunds will be issued to the original method of payment.
  • Return shipping costs are non-refundable.
  • We reserve the right to refuse returns that do not comply with these conditions.

Contact Us:
For any questions or assistance with your return, please contact our customer service team at

This policy is applicable only for purchases made within the USA.

Audio Radar International Shipping Policy

Shipping Carriers:

  • We use FedEx and DHL Express for international shipping.

Shipping Timeframe:

  • International shipping takes approximately 3 to 10 business days, depending on the destination.
  • Delays can occur due to weather conditions or the importing process into the destination country. These delays vary by country and are beyond our control.

Tracking Your Order:

  • All international shipments are tracked. You will be provided with a tracking number once your order is shipped.
  • You can use this tracking number to check the status of your shipment on the FedEx or DHL website.

Shipping Costs:

  • Shipping costs are non-refundable. This includes both the original shipping cost and any return shipping costs.

Import Taxes and Duties:

  • The customer is responsible for all import taxes, duties, and any other customs fees associated with their order.
  • These charges are not included in the product price or shipping cost and must be paid by the recipient upon arrival in the destination country.
  • Import taxes and duties are non-refundable in the event of a return or refund.


  • We do not ship to Russia and China.

Address Accuracy:

  • Please ensure your shipping address is accurate when placing your order. We are not responsible for shipments sent to incorrect addresses provided by the customer.

Damaged or Lost Shipments:

  • In the event of a damaged or lost shipment, please contact us immediately. We will work with the shipping carrier to address the issue and provide a solution.

Customer Service:

If you have any questions or concerns about your international shipment, please contact our customer service team at

Audio Radar International Return Policy

Eligibility and Conditions:

  • Returns must be initiated within 14 days of receiving the Audio Radar product.
  • The product must be in its original condition, with no wear and tear.
  • Returns must include the original packaging, and all original parts and pieces.

Shipping and Handling:

  • Customers are responsible for all return shipping costs using a shipping service of their choice.
  • The return shipment must be trackable. A working tracking number must be provided.
  • Shipping costs, original import taxes, and duties are non-refundable.

Return Address:
Please ship your return to:
Airdrop Gaming
1351 S Waverly Rd, Ste 370
Holland, Michigan, 49423
United States
Phone: +1 616-287-4066‬

Restocking Fee and Additional Charges:

  • A 10% restocking fee applies to all international returns.
  • Additional fees may be charged based on the condition of the product and packaging upon inspection.

Refund Process:

  • Refunds will be issued to the original payment method, minus restocking fees and any additional deductions.
  • Refunds will be processed only after we receive and inspect the returned item.
  • Failure to provide a working tracking number or if the product is not received, no refund will be issued.

Important Notes:

  • Customers are responsible for ensuring the product is securely packaged for return shipping.
  • We reserve the right to refuse returns that do not meet these conditions.

Contact Us:
For any questions or assistance with your international return, please contact our customer service team at

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